Sean Hernandez
My name is Sean and I am a photographer / filmmaker with experience in the film industry. I've been interested in the paranormal since a very young age and have been actively involved in the paranormal field for three years. I was hired by members of T.A.P.S. to document (film and edit) an investigation at the "Wolfe Manor Hotel" in Clovis, CA. I worked with Britt Griffith and Amy Bruni from "Ghost Hunters" and had a great experience that I will never forget! I've experienced hearing audible spirit voices out loud, orbs in photos/video, EVP's caught on tape and I've also experienced "the old hag syndrome" numerous times. My main goal is to gather great evidence of the paranormal and show disbelievers it does exist. I also want to help people who are having negative experience with the paranormal and give them peace of mind. I've learned a lot about the history of locations we have investigated and have gathered evidence that proves, we are not alone in this world! I have a background in Photography and filmmaking which comes in really handy when doing investigations. I have knowledge of smudging rituals involving sage and other herbs to remove negative energy's from a home or work place. P.A.R.A. is a solid team, with “like minded” professional people and I am glad to be a part of it!
Bill McKibben
Technical Advisor
Scientific Investigator

I have been interested in the paranormal for over 35 years and my curiosity began after watching the original Hill House Movie. I have had several experiences throughout my life. From astral projection to visitation after my loved ones have passed. I live in a 100 year old home with lots of paranormal activity.in it. My parrots are being affected by something in my home, and while recording them, I have seen many unexplainable things.
I am an Electronics Engineer by trade and have over 45 years of extensive experience with computers and audio visual technology. I have designed and built some of my own paranormal equipment. I consider myself to be a scientific investigator, but also feel scientific research is only part of an investigation. I enjoy working and learning with our small dedicated group of like-minded people, and can’t wait to see what we find next!

Anthony Torres
My name is Anthony, and I am a movie trailer editor that works in the film industry. Ever since I was a little kid, I have always been interested in things that cannot be explained. I would always hang out at my local library reading every paranormal book I could get my hands on. I have been actively involved in the paranormal field for about three years now and love every minute of it. I was hired by members of T.A.P.S. to document (shoot and edit) a group investigation at Wolfe Manor Hotel in Clovis, CA. I got the chance to work with Britt Griffith and Amy Bruni from the television show "Ghost Hunters." I experienced really cold spots in the house, even when I was wearing lots of layers of clothing. I saw battery's drain down to nothing. I felt like someone, or something was watching me. My goal in working in this field is to gather up as much information about "the unknown" as possible. There are so many unexplained phenomena's in this world and I plan on trying to unveil some of those mysteries. If there is one thing I have learned, it is that we are not alone in this world or the universe! I feel like I can help contribute my filmmaking skills to P.A.R.A and document the investigations. I am a team player and always willing to learn more and help others. I am glad to be a part of the P.A.R.A. team!

Phyllis Douglass
Intuitive, Shaman Investigator
I have seen and communicated with beings in the non-physical since I was a small child. I began working with PARA to shed light on the truth and reality of the spirit world and other dimensional realms.
I do not “read” or interpret anything. I am in direct communication and have reciprocal conversations with spirit, and I have the ability to see hear and feel. I often connect through my helping spirits and may speak in another language from time to time, known as Celestial Language.
I have been doing paranormal investigations for several years, along with house blessings, and space clearance of private homes, businesses, and land.

Judy Graham
Group Organizer/Leader
Scientific Investigator
My name is Judy Graham and I have been interested in the paranormal for about 12 years now. I became interested in the paranormal after being diagnosed with cancer. I needed to know if there was a chance that I could stick around if I needed to so I could watch my children grow up. Thank goodness I didn’t need to find out. I did find what I needed and I have been hooked ever since. My husband and I are team investigators. We are scientific investigators which means we have a lot of great equipment and have caught quite a lot of stuff!

Susan Sullivan
Sensitive, Animal Communicator
I have communicated with animals most of my life, both domestic and wild. This has led me to wanting to expand my skills into communicating with those who have passed on. Over the last 5 years, I have been gaining more scientific experience while using meters, recorders etc. I am looking forward to adding more equipment and expanding my skills as a sensitive to interpret the results obtained in order to help those involved in a paranormal crisis.

David Graham
Technical Advisor
Scientific Investigator
My name is David Graham and I have been interested in the paranormal for about 12 years now. My wife and I are team investigators. We are scientific investigators which means we have a lot of great equipment and have caught quite a lot of stuff! I am in construction by trade and am a good skeptic. I work very hard at debunking evidence. We travel all over the U.S. in search of the paranormal. We are looking forward to capturing more evidence and helping people deal with their spirits.

Carlos H.
Team Leader
Scientific Investigator
I have been interested in the paranormal since I was a teen. I use mostly scientific equipment, but have been using my medium abilities more and more every investigation. I find I am able to feel where and when to snap a picture and have some great evidence. I am looking forward to more investigations where I can blend my scientific and spiritual abilities to help those in need.