Well, we finally made it to the Goldfield Hotel. This has been on our bucket list for years (as I am sure it has been on everyone's). I watched numerous youtube videos and looked at many television programs on the Goldfield. We were ready to catch all the evidence we could with the two truck loads of equipment we brought (only exaggerating a little). We were protected from the "D" word and we were excited beyond belief...
Well, I felt a little let down. I know spirits don't do things on cue but, come on!!!! We have been doing this for sometime and had built up this investigation as the be all end all. I feel that in our heads it was gonna be a scratched , bit , hair pulled kinda night. Honestly, kinda quiet. I haven't reviewed all my evidence yet but, I do have a few pretty good evp's and some rem pod action. Seriously, thank goodness no was was injured but, I wouldn't have minded a little hair tug!!! All and all we had a very fun trip and definitely a break from all the private home investigations we have been doing. Off to the next!!!!
